Monday, May 24, 2010

Astonishing new pictures from Saturn

Checking in on Saturn - The Big Picture - "While we humans carry on with our daily lives down here on Earth, perhaps stuck in traffic or reading blogs, or just enjoying a Springtime stroll, a school-bus-sized spacecraft called Cassini continues to gather data and images for us - 1.4 billion kilometers (870 million miles) away. Over the past months, NASA's Cassini spacecraft has made several close flybys of Saturn's moons, caught the Sun's reflection glinting off a lake on Titan, and has brought us even more tantalizing images of ongoing cryovolcanism on Enceladus. Collected here are a handful of recent images from the Saturnian system. (30 photos total)"

Comment -- I guarantee these 30 photos will blow your mind. But as exciting as they are, I'm also discouraged to realize that humans won't be traveling to the Saturn system in my lifetime. We can't even get our act together to get to Mars, let alone Saturn. Maybe we'll be motivated to get out there if we spot some fish jumping out of those methane lakes on Titan...

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