Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Skepticism over Prius pandemonium

Toyota struggles to find Prius fix | | The Detroit News: "On Monday, a California Highway Patrol officer helped a motorist on Interstate 8 slow a Prius from more than 90 mph to a stop, after the accelerator pedal got stuck. 'I was laying on the brakes but it wasn't slowing down,' said motorist James Sikes, who told reporters his accelerator pedal got stuck as he was going 94 mph in his 2008 Prius."

Comment -- Actually, I think the real news story is that the driver got his pokey Prius all the way up to 90 mph! Heh heh...

It was interesting that the Wall Street Journal quotes a cop as saying that he pulled up next to Sikes' car and told him over the loudspeaker that he should try to shift into neutral and/or shut off the ignition. The story says that Sikes "shook his head to indicate that neither action worked."

So, the car accelerates out of control, the brakes don't work, and Sikes can't shift into neutral or turn off the ignition? Really, what are the odds of that happening all at the same time? I would think that such a catastrophic array of software/electronic/mechanical problems would probably lead to the car not running at all -- rather than it accelerating out of control.

I could be wrong, but this story doesn't pass the smell test. Prius pandemonium indeed!

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